Tender workflow
Tender workflow
When you are requesting price lists from carriers as a shipper, the following workflow is applied:
Shipper sends out a rate request (read more here)
Carrier receives rate request and can submit a price list
Shipper can simulate his costs based on historic data and benchmarked price lists
Shipper can decide to activate the price list
If the validity of the price list is exceeded, the price list is automatically put on inactive (a notification will be given)
When changes are applied on an activated price list, the status will be set back to draft. A warning message pops up to verify:
Warning message when modifying an active price list
The price list status
Requested (shipper has sent out a request)
Draft (price list has been created but not yet released to the shipper)
Inactive (price list has been released but not approved by the shipper)
Active (price list has been approved by the shipper)
Expired (price list is past due)
Archived (price list is archived)